connect with yourself, connect with others

With Unified, you can find tools to help you rebuild connections through mental health counseling, executive function coaching, and communication consulting.

Who We Are

With degrees in psychology, social work, and anthropology, we are two people passionate about human connectedness and wellness. We believe in community. We believe in support. Building the good life means forging bonds with others, ourselves, and the world around us. It means finding the balance between the inevitable ups and downs. We believe that emotions are natural and welcome — yes, even the difficult ones.

Talk it out: Therapy and More.

Daniel A. Melendez is a Colombian-American born and raised in sunny Southern California. He has degrees in both psychology and social work.

Daniel is a Licensed Clinical Mental Health Counselor with the state of Utah and offers psychological counseling in both English and Spanish. He also offers executive functioning coaching for neurodivergent individuals and those with learning differences.

Language Matters: Communicate Your Thoughts

Jen Utrera is a Brazilian-American born in Utah but raised all over the Western US and in Brazil. She holds a degree in anthropology and works as a freelance writer and communication consultant. She loves helping people find the right words for the things they want to say. Jen offers communication consulting for both personal and professional needs, including advertising copy and private communication.

Our services

  • Therapy

  • Coaching

  • Communication

“When you are content to be simply yourself and don't compare or compete, everyone will respect you.”

— Lao Tzu, Tao de Ching

Get started with Unified today.